Memorendum on Right to Food

JuRI, FIAN and RFtN calls for integrating the right to food in the NHRAP Writing a memorandum to the Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal, JuRI-Nepal, FIAN-Nepal and Right to Food Network (NFtN) called on the Government to integrate the right to adequate food in the National Human Rights Action Plan development of which is currently underway. The three organizations involved in monitoring and protection of the right to adequate food in Nepal demanded specific and targeted programmes with allocation of resources to effect the realization of the right concerned. In the memorandum, the concerned organizations also emphasized the need of enacting a national framework legislation on the...
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JuRI-NDC joint event on Untouchability

On 13 June 2014, JuRI-Nepal and National Dalit Commission (NDC) jointly organized an interaction programme entitled "Three Years of Anti-Untouchability and Caste Discrimination Act, 2068" with an objective of assessing the implementation status of the anti-untouchability law. About 150 lawyers, journalists and professional from other various secotrs, including Dalit rights activists and students participated in the programme. President of Nepal Bar Association Mr. Harikrishna Karki, former NHRC Commissioner Mr. Gauri Pradhan, CA members Ms. Dulari Harijan (UCPN-M) and Mr. Jitu Gautam (UML) and Dalit Rights Activist Mr. Motilal Nepali were among the guest speakers. Lack of legal awareness,...
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Regulation of Health Institutions

श्री सर्वोच्च अदालतमा चढाएको निवेदन–पत्र विषयः नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान, २०६३ को धारा ३२ तथा १०७ (२) बमोजिम संविधानसँग बाझिएको निर्देशिका बदर गरिपाऊँ । ललितपुर जिल्ला, ललितपुर उपमहानगरपालिका, वडा नं. स्थित न्याय तथा अधिकार संस्था (जुरी नेपालको) को तर्फबाट अधिका...
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Consultation on Right to Food Law

JuRI-Nepal holds expert consultation to initiate drafting of the framework legislation on the right to food On 28 February 2014, Justice and Rights Institute (JuRI-Nepal) and Food-First Information and Action Network (FIAN-Nepal) jointly organized roundtable to identify key policy issues for the development of framework law to give effect to the right to adequate food in Nepal. Around 30 experts representing the Government (both Executive and Judiciary), Nepal Bar Association, National Human Rights Commission and I/NGOs took part in the consultation. The consultation offered an interactive platform for the experts and stakeholders to discuss existing legal gaps and challenges in relati...
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Case on Health

The Supreme Court gives Interim Order to the Government not to renew the license of the medical institutions that do not comply with the government standards Acting upon a Public Interest Litigation initiated by JuRI-Nepal, the Supreme Court of Nepal, on 18 February 2014, issued an Interim Order to the Government prohibiting the renewal of the license of the medical institutions that do not comply with the standards. The Interim Order stayed the implementation of Section 12 of the Guidelines for Establishment, Operation and Standardization of Health Institutions that provides for mandatory renewal of the medical institutions for a period of three years of the health institutions that do not...
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