30 December 2016, Rajbiraj
The child marriage in Nepal; is pervasive as age-old ‘cultural and social practice’ overrides the law. The girls are forced to marry at their tender age and their future filled with full of frustration and anger. It is a heinous crime. In order to support the government response to it, Justice and Rights Institute (JuRI Nepal) in partnership with UNICEF and the Women and Children Office, Saptari successfully concluded a three days training in December, 2016. It was designed to respond to Gender Based Violence with special attention to eliminate child marriage.
The training, under the Support for GBV Prevention and Child Protection Project was simultaneously undertaken in Rayapur, Daulatpur, Narghau, Chhinnamasta, Arnah, Haripur and Paschimpipra VDCs of Saptari district and it was concluded with a message – “Child marriage is a heinous crime”. This activity was aimed at increasing awareness and skills of women’s cooperatives formed under the Cooperative Act – 2048 by the District Women and Children Office. It focused in imparting knowledge to the members of the GBV Watch Group to prevent and address GBV issues with special focus to eliminate child marriage.