Report on Constructive Dialogue on Federalism, 2014

Report on Constructive Dialogue on Federalism, 2014 contains summary and key findings of the interaction programmes on federalism, human rights and inclusion organized in 17 different districts throughout the country. The events and subsequent publication was supported by the UNDP Project called Support to Participatory Constitution Building in Nepal (UNDP/SPCBN). Widely circulated among the members of the Constituent Assembly, leaders of political parties, human rights defenders, lawyers, media persons, the general public and other members of society can equally benefit from this publication which attempts to capture key messages and accounts of local stakeholders with regard to federali...
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Strengthening Legal Remedies of the Crime against Untouchability and Caste-based Discrimination: A Handbook for Practitioners

The handbook is primarily targeted to professionals and practitioners involved in the governmental and non-governmental sectors to strengthening access to justice of the victims of caste-based discrimination and untouchability as envisaged by the Caste-based Discrimination and Untouchability Act 2011. In particular, lawyers, law enforcement officials, prosecutors, judges, human rights defenders, social activists and community leaders active in combating caste-based discrimination and untouchability are targeted readers. The victims and their families as well as general public can also benefit from this handbook. The handbook is divided into six chapters—first part dealing with backgrou...
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Federalism in new constitution: Finding a common ground

FEDERALISM IN NEW CONSTITUTION: FINDING A COMMON  GROUND is a collection of articles of various writers and contributors surrounding federalism in Nepal. The book published with a view to promote and consolidate dialogue on federalism in Nepal, particularly with an objective of helping the political players and actors of different walks of life in finding a common ground for federalism. The articles range from exploring historical debate on federalism in Nepal to key aspects of federalism, including identity-based federalism. They also deal with judicial system, electoral system, inclusion and fiscal policies in new federal structure. (The book is available in Nepali language only. Plea...
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Federalism and Human Rights: Review of Proposed Provisions in the new Constitution

As indicated by the title itself the book provides a review of the proposed provisions of the thematic committees of previous Constituent Assembly with regard to human rights and attempts to deal with how human rights can better be protected in the federal set up. In particular, the review touches upon impunity, transitional justice and accountability; citizenship and national interest; right to life, freedom and equality; delimitation of fundamental rights and freedoms; effective legal remedies and access to justice; and strengthening implementation of international human rights instruments. In addition, the book tends to shed light on state restructuring from human rights lens, increas...
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