“I had to close the retail shop due to death of my husband, there was no regular income and my family have to face so many challenges to meet daily needs. I got relief when my group selected me for re-skilling support under this project. I decided to re-start the retail shop. I got different items support from the project to set-up my shop. I believe my past experience will help to grow this business”Lalita BK, Gurbakot-6, Surkhet 

Re-skilling and livelihood support was facilitated under Hamro Shakarya Project in Kailali, Doti and Surkhet districts where altogether 206 women (Dalits: 161, Janjati: 36 and BCT:9)  from vulnerable and marginalized groups were supported.  Among them 130 participants received she-goats, 28 of them received items for retail shops, 29 of them received support to start their tailoring business and 19 participants received support for poultry and pig farming.

The re-skilling and livelihood support is expected to enhance income of the project participants and their family that will help them to address their family needs and increase livelihood opportunities and financial capabilities in the short run and in the long run it will strengthen the socio-economic conditions of the target groups and their family.

A market need assessment was conducted to identify needs of the project participants, available markets and economic opportunities. Following the key findings of the assessment a guideline was prepared to facilitate the activity that includes criteria for participant’s selections, documentation and coordination process, procurement process, distribution and monitoring process. The women self-help groups (SHGs) and ward committee members in the project LGUs were engaged in the participants’ selection and distribution process of re-skilling support. Each SHG have formed a monitoring committee to track the progress of reskilling participants.

The distribution event was facilitated by project team where participants from SHGs, ward committee members and livestock experts (for goat rearing) participated. The distribution event also included public audit of the re-skilling support activities in the respective LGUs. In the event the livestock expert also aware on the goats breeding, tips on taking care of goats, cattle insurance benefits and process to claim.

The recipients have been able to gain confidence and start a dignified life with the support from the project. They have achieved economic autonomy through the reskilling and livelihood opportunities. They have demonstrated increased confidence in decision making which is also evidenced by their below reflections.

Ranju Bagchand, Dipayalsilgadi-5, Doti, says: I have started again my tailoring business with this support. Now I shouldn’t be worried about looking for daily wages to address my family needs. I along with my husband is engaged in this business.”