May 13, 2020, Kathmandu

Justice and Rights Institute -Nepal (JuRI – Nepal) along with twenty – six ESCR Network organizations and IM Swedish Development partner has submitted a set of policy recommendations on the right to compulsory and free education to the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology, Hon’ble Girirajmani Pokharel) and Chair of Parliamentary Committee on Education and Health, and Hon’ble Jayapuri Gharti.

A set of policy recommendations, following a rigorous research, and policy discussions among the relevant stakeholders, highlights implementation of rights to compulsory, and free education enshrined in the Compulsory, and Free Education Act 2075, and other legal frameworks.

A thirty pagers paper “Implementation of the Right to Compulsory and Free Education in Nepal: Policy Discussion, and Recommendations ” covers current context, constitutional clauses ensuring free, and compulsory education, international human rights standard with respect to right to education and the recommendation offered by the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). It also sheds light on the main features of the Act Relating to Compulsory and Free Education, 2075 (2018).

The concrete recommendations for the amendment of the Act was made after an analysis of all the relevant literature which include among others education related fundamental rights and directive principle of the Constitution of Nepal – 2015, the second cycle of the UPR recommendations, Convention on the Rights of Children (1989) (CRC), directive principle of social justice, article (13) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ICESCR – 1966, National Education Policy (2076). Based on review, twenty-two concrete amendment proposals and seven specific recommendations have been presented with rationale and causes behind the amendment. Please click here for the full text in Nepali.