26 November, 2020

Justice and Rights Institute (JuRI-Nepal) concluded a social audit in order for the public to share activities, achievements and financial information. Social audit for JuRI-NepalĀ is a tool to promote transparency and public accountability.

Speaking at the event, Hon’ble Krishna Bhakta Pokharel, Chair of the Law, Justice and Human Right Committee of the Legislature Parliament stated that: “JuRI-Nepal is a highly recognized and pioneer organization which has been working in the field of human rights, social justice, and economic, social and cultural rights.” “It has been playing utmost role since its inception in the areas of constitution building process, policy and legal review and it is now an expert organization on legal issues,” he added.

Guest speaker, Bed Prasad Bhattarai, Secretary at the National Human Right Commission (NHRC) at the programme, highlighted the NHRC-JuRI-Nepal partnership in relation to promotion and protection of human rights.

Ms. Geeta Satyal, Deputy Mayer of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Dr. Padam Pd. Khatiwoda, Vice-chair of Social Welfare Council, Jitram Lama, Chairperson of NGO Federation and other dignitaries also graced the occasion with their presence, and invaluable inputs.

Chakra BK, Chairperson of NNDSWO, Kailali, Pom Narayan Poudel, Advisor, SSDC, Kapilvastu, Nanda Raj Bhatta, Secretary, Phulbari Disable Organization, Dhangadi, Kailali, Sita BK, Chairperson, Women Right Forum, Dipayal, Doti, Bhagi Ram Chaudhari, ED, SEED, Dang, Ganesh BK, Chairperson, RDN, Kedar Khadaka, GO GO Foundation and Devu Parajuli from NFDN also offered JuRI their valuable suggestions.

Sunita Gurung, Program Manager, IM Swedish Development Partner, and Santosh Acharya, UN Women who represented the donor partner organizations also attended the event. The event was facilitated by advocate Bishnu Pd. Pokhrel, Project Manager of PHDP of JuRI-Nepal.

The social audit was started out with a presentation by Mohan Lal Acharya, Executive Director of JuRI-Nepal who highlighted the progress made over the last decade and Sunita Singh Thakuri, Admin and Finance Coordinator shared with all the participants the JuRI-Nepal’s financial updates. Chaired by advocate Pankaj Kumar Karn, fifty two, including 20 women participants actively attended the event.