Know Your Rights
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR)
One of the most disaster-prone countries – Nepal lost more than thirteen thousand precious lives during the decade long internal armed conflict (1996-2006). Deep-rooted structural discrimination was widely recognized as one of the root causes of the armed conflict. In the context of Nepal, deepening inequality and denial of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), clearly contributed to the unexpected conflict. Nevertheless, it offered an opportunity to seriously take care of citizen’s right to education, their right to food, adequate housing and other ESCRs ensuring equality. It promotes social cohesion, eradicates poverty, reduces inequality and eventually contributes to timely meet the SDGs.
With that in mind, JuRI-Nepal together with seven other partner organizations (listed below) currently contributing for the promotion and protection of the ESCR, has recently created a ESCR Portal so as to bring all into a virtual platform whereby they can receive, send and share information about the ESCR rights. The Kathmandu-based JuRI Nepal and Jagaran Media Centre are assigned to administer jointly manage the portal. The portal aims at serving as a virtual resource centre on the
ESCR related issues.

What are ESC Rights?
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) are human rights relating to basic economic, education, social, cultural conditions needed to live a life with dignity and freedom such as right to food, water, environment, right to health, right to education. In order to ensure enjoyment of the ESCR, the UN General Assembly through resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966, adopted International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and opened for signature and ratification. Nepal ratified the ICESCR in 14 May, 1991 and has international obligation to respect, protect and promote ESCR.